A generous life is a blessed life. That's what Jesus taught. There is joy in the giving of our time, talents and finances. We believe that giving back to God is an act of worship that we do out of the gratitude of our hearts.
We invite you to join us in this blessed life of generosity. There are three simple ways to donate to High Level Christian Fellowship.
If you would like a tax receipt, please use the provided envelops to label your donation and put it into the offering bag during the morning service or the offering box located in the foyer anytime throughout the week during office hours.
Please make all cheques payable to High Level Christian Fellowship. Place donation in the offering bag during the morning service or the offering box located in the foyer anytime throughout the week during office hours.
Simply use your bank's website to send a donation to HLCF is set up with auto deposit, so no security code is needed. You can put a note in the "message" field to specify how to use your gift.